Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Trail is starting to call...

I'm sitting at my desk at my last day at work. It's 8:30 PM and I'm long overdue to have walked out the door, but I suffer from an afflication called separation anxiety. Nonetheless, this week, the reality that this is really going to happen is sinking in. Last day on the job, last pay check AND we've found a buyer for our condo, which means the final (and key) peice has fallen into place. Once we complete the condo closing in a few weeks, we'll be more unencumbered than we've been in a very long time...it's a thrilling feeling -- we recommend it!

The trail is really starting to beckon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


your photographer diva came through

can't wait to see you on the trail, cracking walnuts with your thighs