Wednesday, June 6, 2007

what a difference an O-ring makes...part 1

Little pony had intimations of bad luck yesterday: blisters forming, trouble sleeping, and most tragically of all, an uncooperative backpacking stove. Today we dried off from a sudden rain storm to find the situation had deteriorated. The blisters had worsened, much of our few clothes were damp (and kindy stinky...nothing like mildew mixed with sweat) and the stove was definitely leaking fuel. So we got a late start and the pony hobbled about half speed, wincing over a sharp stretch of rocks, up 500 feet of switchbacks, then down a steep, slippery stretch. It was a LONG 6 miles and well under the 11 we want to average these early days. But after setting up camp, we scrutinized the stove,s manual (it made IKEA instructions look like child's play) and found that a part listed but not diagramed was missing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To avoid blisters wear the shoes before your hike on longish walks of a km or more.